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Daewook Kim

Optica Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference

Daewook Kim

University of Arizona

James C. Wyant: Connecting Dots and Minds to Paint Beautiful Picture

Professor James C. Wyant, founding dean of the Wyant College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona, passed away on 08 December 2023, at 80. He profoundly impacted the international optics community and inspired many.

About the Speaker

Daewook Kim is an associate professor of Optical Sciences and Astronomy at the University of Arizona. He has devoted his efforts to a multitude of space and ground-based large optical engineering projects. His primary research focuses on precision freeform optics design, fabrication and various metrology topics, including interferometry and dynamic deflectometry. His contributions cover a broad spectrum of wavelengths, ranging from radio to x-ray. For over a decade, he has actively participated in various conference programs and short courses related to optics, delivering more than 20 plenary, keynote and colloquium talks at various international conferences and universities. His leadership roles include chairing the Optical Fabrication and Testing conference (Optica) and the Optical Manufacturing and Testing conference (SPIE). His academic achievements have led to his recognition as an SPIE Fellow, and he was elected to the SPIE Board of Directors for the term spanning 2024 to 2026. Kim's academic contributions include authoring over 300 journal/conference papers and serving as an associate editor for Optics Express (Optica) for 2013 - 2019.

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