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Optica Sensing Congress

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Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis (LACSEA)

Addresses all aspects of optical techniques and instrumentation for chemical, security and environmental analysis.

LACSEA addresses all aspects of optical techniques and instrumentation for chemical, security, and environmental analysis. The meeting covers diagnostics of combustion and industrial process gases, atmospheric sensing and monitoring, and the analysis of gases that may contain chemical or biological agents. Sensing of liquids (e.g., aerosols) and solids (e.g., particulates or explosives) is also discussed.

Topics include exciting new developments in analytical spectroscopy, ultrafast lasers, frequency combs, and miniaturization using optical approaches spanning the VUV to THz spectral range.

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Christoph Arndt

German Aerospace Center, Germany,

Anil Patnaik

Air Force Institute of Technology, United States,

Anna-Lena Sahlberg

Lunds Universitet, Sweden,

Aamir Farooq

King Abdullah Univ of Sci & Technology, Saudi Arabia,
Program Chair

Naibo Jiang

Spectral Energies, LLC, United States,
Program Chair

Caroline Winters

Sandia National Laboratories, United States,
Program Chair

Committee Members

  • Christoph Arndt, German Aerospace Center, Germany, Chair
  • Anil Patnaik, Air Force Institute of Technology, United States, Chair
  • Anna-Lena Sahlberg, Lunds Universitet, Sweden, Chair
  • Aamir Farooq, King Abdullah Univ of Sci & Technology, Saudi Arabia, Program Chair
  • Naibo Jiang, Spectral Energies, LLC, United States, Program Chair
  • Caroline Winters, Sandia National Laboratories, United States, Program Chair
  • Christopher Abram, Princeton University, Germany
  • Benoit Barviau, Universitaire du Madrillet CORIA, France
  • Frank Beyrau, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg , Germany
  • Joakim Bood, Lund University, Sweden
  • Jun Chen, Univ of Shanghai Science & Technology, China
  • Weidong Chen, Universite du Littoral, France
  • Chloe Dedic, University of Virginia, United States
  • Benoit Fond, ONERA - the French Aerospace Lab, France
  • Yi Gao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Mark Gragston, University of Tennessee Space Institute, United States
  • Paul Hsu, Spectral Energies LLC, United States
  • Johannes Kiefer, Universitat Bremen, Germany
  • Kim-Cuong Le, Lunds Universitet, Sweden
  • Xunchen Liu, Shandong University of Sci and Tech
  • Yi Mazumdar, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
  • Jerry Meyer, US Naval Research Laboratory, United States
  • Angelo Sampaolo, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
  • Thomas Seeger, Universität Siegen, Germany
  • Michael Shattan, National Nuclear Security Administration, United States
  • Li Ting, Beijing University of Technology
  • Zhili Zhang, University of Tennessee Knoxville, United States
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