Invited Speakers
Flat Optics (FlatOptics)
Freeform Optics (Freeform)
Optical Fabrication and Testing (OF&T)
Freeform Optics (Freeform)
Optical Fabrication and Testing (OF&T)
Flat Optics (FlatOptics)
Tingyi Gu, University of Delaware, United States
Flat Optics Enabled Integrated Photonic Imager, Mode Size Converter and On-the-fly Data Compression -
Arseniy Kuznetsov, Agency for Science Technology & Research, Singapore
Title to be Announced -
Rajesh Menon, University of Utah, United States
Title to be Announced -
Adam Ollanik, Tulane University, United States
Flat Optics Toolbox for Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
Freeform Optics (Freeform)
Aaron Bauer, University of Rochester, United States
Designing an All-reflective Microscope Objective for Ultra-broadband Imaging -
James Burge, AOM - Arizona Optical Metrology LLC, United States
Title to be Announced -
Jordan Hall, Opto-Alignment Technology Inc, United States
Relational Metrology for Freeform Surfaces with Large Departure from Rotational Symmetry -
Yuxuan Liu, Apple Inc., United States
Analytical Aberration Theory for Plane-symmetric Optical Imaging Systems -
Yunfeng Nie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
On the Use of Deep Learning for Freeform Imaging System Design -
Christopher Roll, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, United States
Progress Toward Automated Alignment of Freeform Optics -
Eric Ruch, Sagem SA, France
The Future Challenges of Freeform Optics in Space Instruments -
Lien Smeesters, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Compact Wide Field-of-view Freeform Optics for Hyperspectral Earth observation -
Rengmao Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Design and Fabrication of Freeform Holographic Optical Elements
Optical Fabrication and Testing (OF&T)
Robert Brunner, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule, Jena, Germany
Title to be Announced -
M J Daniel Esser, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
Title to be Announced -
Oliver Faehnle, PanDao GmbH, Switzerland
The Smart Optics Factory -
Bin Fan, IOE, China
Title to be Announced -
Young-Sik Ghim, Korea Res. Inst of Standards and Science, Republic Of Korea
Title to be Announced -
Logan Graves, University of Arizona, United States
Title to be Announced -
Luc Joannes, Lambda-X Ophthalmics, Belgium
Title to be Announced -
Ki-Nam Joo, Chosun University, Republic Of Korea
Title to be Announced -
Yves Jourlin, Lab Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516, France
Title to be Announced -
Neha Khatri, CSIR-CSIO, India
Title to be Announced -
Rebecca Mitchell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United States
Title to be Announced -
Wilfried Noell, Focuslight Technologies Inc.,
Title to be Announced -
Yuki Shimizu, Hokkaido University, Japan
Multi-degree-of-freedom Optical Sensors for Precision Positioning -
Jessica van Heck, Phabulous Pilot Line Association, Switzerland
Title to be Announced -
Ye Wang, Australian National University, Australia
Title to be Announced -
Xiangchao Zhang, Fudan University, China
Deterministic Deflectometric Measurement: from Rays to Beams