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Optica highlights scientific research from Ukraine

28 February 2022

Optica highlights scientific research from Ukraine

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA – We at Optica are deeply concerned for our members’ safety, health, well-being, and their families in Ukraine. Optica staff and volunteers are connecting with members in Ukraine to help. We stand with those who seek knowledge, those who forge solutions, and those who strive for peace.

From 183 countries around the world, Optica members and colleagues collaborate to make advancements in the optical sciences to better society. They live the Optica values of innovation and impact. Hundreds of thousands of researchers choose Optica Publishing Group journals and Optica conferences to share and discuss their work. Together, we collaborate to make the optical sciences and engineering, as well as the process of publishing research in optics, both accessible and equitable for the whole community.

Here are some of the recent works shared with the world through Optica Publishing Group’s journals by our colleagues in Ukraine—some already openly available and others that we are providing complimentary access to for the next 60 days. These scientists, researchers and scholars have contributed much to our shared knowledge base in optics and photonics—from lenses to lasers to holograms and more. We are grateful for the work they have contributed and look forward to their continued contributions

Andrey A. Goloborodko, “Aberration measuring in the random phase field by the Talbot wavefront sensor,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39(1), 153–159 (2022).

Aleksandr Y. Bekshaev, Oleg V. Angelsky, Jun Zheng, Steen G. Hanson, and Claudia Yu. Zenkova, “Microscopic analysis of the energy, momentum, and spin distributions in a surface plasmon-polariton wave,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(7), 2165–2191 (2021).

Dariia O. Herasymova, Sergii V. Dukhopelnykov, and Alexander I. Nosich, “Infrared diffraction radiation from twin circular dielectric rods covered with graphene: plasmon resonances and beam position sensing,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38(9), C183–C190 (2021).

Eugene Antonov, Minglei Fu, Viacheslav Petrov, Dmytro Manko, and Kezhen Rong, “Structure of microprismatic Fresnel lenses for creating uniform focal images,” Opt. Express 29(24), 38958–38970 (2021).

Ivan S. Panyaev, Dmitry G. Sannikov, Nataliya N. Dadoenkova, and Yuliya S. Dadoenkova, “Three-periodic 1D photonic crystals for designing the photonic optical devices operating in the infrared regime,” Appl. Opt. 60(7), 1943–1952 (2021).

Karolina Waszkowska, Pierre Josse, Clément Cabanetos, Philippe Blanchard, Bouchta Sahraoui, Dominique Guichaoua, Igor Syvorotka, Olha Kityk, Robert Wielgosz, Patrick Huber, and Andriy V. Kityk, “Anisotropic confinement of chromophores induces second-order nonlinear optics in a nanoporous photonic metamaterial,” Opt. Lett. 46(4), 845–848 (2021).

Liang Chen, Kostyantyn Sirenko, Ping Li, and Hakan Bagci, “Efficient discontinuous Galerkin scheme for analyzing nanostructured photoconductive devices,” Opt. Express 29(9), 12903–12917 (2021).

Nataliia Bazhan, Boris Malomed, and Alexander Yakimenko, “Josephson oscillations of edge quasi-solitons in a photonic-topological coupler,” Opt. Lett. 46(24), 6067–6070 (2021).

Oleg V. Angelsky, Claudia Yu. Zenkova, Steen G. Hanson, D. I. Ivansky, V. M. Tkachuk, and Jun Zheng, “Random object optical field diagnostics by using carbon nanoparticles,” Opt. Express 29(2), 916–928 (2021).

Oksana Mys, Oleh Krupych, Iryna Martynyuk-Lototska, Ivan Orykhivskyi, Myroslav Kostyrko, and Rostyslav Vlokh, “Types of acousto-optic interactions between acoustic and circularly polarized optical waves:case of Pb5Ge3O11 crystals,” Appl. Opt. 60(10), 2846–2853 (2021).

Ruslan A. Lymarenko, Darius Gailevicius, Indre Meskelaite, Lina Grineviciute, Martynas Peckus, Kestutis Staliunas, and Victor B. Taranenko, “Super-collimation by axisymmetric diffractive metamirror,” Opt. Lett. 46(16), 3845–3848 (2021).

Stanislav Derevyanko, Muyiwa Balogun, Ofer Aluf, Dmitry Shepelsky, and Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky, “Channel model and the achievable information rates of the optical nonlinear frequency division-multiplexed systems employing continuous b-modulation,” Opt. Express 29(5), 6384–6406 (2021).

Volodymyr V. Halyan, Volodymyr O. Yukhymchuk, Inna A. Ivashchenko, Victor S. Kozak, Peter V. Tyshchenko, and Ivan D. Olekseyuk, “Synthesis and downconversion photoluminescence of Erbium-doped chalcohalide glasses of AgCl(I)–Ga2S3–La2S3 systems,” Appl. Opt. 60(18), 5285–5290 (2021).

Wieslaw Strek, Mariusz Stefanski, Taras Hanulia, Robert Tomala, and Przemyslaw Wiewiorski, “Laser induced visible and infrared emission of a tungsten filament,” Opt. Express 29(17), 27291–27297 (2021).

Xiayu Feng, Lu Lu, Oleg Yaroshchuk, and Philip Bos, “Closer look at transmissive polarization volume holograms: geometry, physics, and experimental validation,” Appl. Opt. 60(3), 580–592 (2021).

Yi-Hsin Lin, Yu-Jen Wang, Guo-Lin Hu, and Victor Reshetnyak, “Electrically tunable polarization independent liquid crystal lenses based on orthogonally anisotropic orientations on adjacent micro-domains,” Opt. Express 29(18), 29215–29227 (2021).

Yurii M. Lyaschuk, Serhii M. Kukhtaruk, Vytautas Janonis, and Vadym V. Korotyeyev, “Modified rigorous coupled-wave analysis for grating-based plasmonic structures with a delta-thin conductive channel: far- and near-field study,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 38(2), 157–167 (2021).


Aleksandr Bekshaev, Lidiya Mikhaylovskaya, Satyajeet Patil, Vineet Kumar, and Ravindra P. Singh, “Optical-vortex diagnostics via Fraunhofer slit diffraction with controllable wavefront curvature,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37(5), 780–786 (2020).

Adam Říha, Helena Jelínková, Maxim E. Doroshenko, Michal Jelínek, Michal němec, Nazar O. Kovalenko, and Igor S. Terzin, “Mid-IR lasing of Fe2+ ions via Cr2+ → Fe2+ energy transfer process with YLF:Er or laser diode pumping at 1.7 µm,” Opt. Mater. Express 10(2), 662–673 (2020).

Anatoly Lapchuk, Zichun Le, Yanyu Guo, Yanxin Dai, Zongshen Liu, Qiyong Xu, Zhiyi Lu, Andriy Kryuchyn, and Ivan Gorbov, “Investigation of speckle suppression beyond human eye sensitivity by using a passive multimode fiber and a multimode fiber bundle,” Opt. Express 28(7), 6820–6834 (2020).

Anton S. Kupriiannov, Kateryna L. Domina, Vyacheslav V. Khardikov, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, and Vladimir R. Tuz, “Homogeneous enhancement of near-fields in all-dielectric metasurfaces with cluster-based unit cells,” Opt. Lett. 45(6), 1527–1530 (2020).

Elena A. Velichko, “Localized surface plasmon modes of core–shell bimetal nanowires do not hybridize,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37(9), 1411–1416 (2020).

Oleh Krupych, Dmitro Adamenko, Myroslav Kostyrko, and Rostyslav Vlokh, “Anisotropy of acousto-optic figure of merit for the case of a Bragg-diffracted wave propagating along an optic axis in optically biaxial crystals: Tl3AsS4 crystals,” Appl. Opt. 59(13), 4022–4029 (2020).

Svitlana Pavlova, M. Emre Yagci, S. Koray Eken, Ersan Tunckol, and Ihor Pavlov, “High power microsecond fiber laser at 1.5 μm,” Opt. Express 28(15), 18368–18375 (2020).

Yu-Jen Wang, Yi-Hsin Lin, Ozan Cakmakci, and Victor Reshetnyak, “Varifocal augmented reality adopting electrically tunable uniaxial plane-parallel plates,” Opt. Express 28(12), 23023–23036 (2020).

Yu-Jen Wang, Yi-Hsin Lin, Ozan Cakmakci, and Victor Reshetnyak, “Phase modulators with tunability in wavefronts and optical axes originating from anisotropic molecular tilts under symmetric electric field II: experiments,” Opt. Express 28(6), 8985–9001 (2020).

Yu-Jen Wang, Yi-Hsin Lin, Ozan Cakmakci, and Victor Reshetnyak, “Polarization aberrations of electrically tunable liquid crystal mirrors,” Opt. Express 28(8), 11356–11371 (2020).

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