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Specialty Optical Fibers (SOF)

Specialty Optical Fibers (SOF)

28 July – 01 August 2024 Québec City, Québec, Canada

SOF focuses on novel and specialty optical fiber technology, showcasing groundbreaking advancements.

Originally vital in telecommunications, optical fibers now play pivotal roles in diverse modern sectors like defense, security, sensing, automotive and biomedicine. This topical meeting aims to convene global leaders from academia, industry and the public sector to assess current advancements and anticipate future trends in specialty optical fiber materials, designs and applications.

SOF unites industry and academic frontrunners to delve into cutting-edge research, trends and challenges in the field. Optical fibers are driving innovation across telecommunications, high-power lasers, sensing and biomedicine. Join us to explore the latest in innovative designs, materials, devices and applications, and witness the ongoing evolution of fiber photonics.


Specialty Optical Fibers

Specialty Optical Fibers (SOF) presents groundbreaking advances in novel and specialty optical fiber technology. 

This premier meeting unites global leaders from academia and industry to explore cutting-edge research, trends, and challenges in the field. From telecommunications to high power lasers, sensing, and biomedicine, optical fibers are shaping the future. Join us to discuss the latest innovative designs, materials, devices, and applications, and witness the evolution of fiber photonics.

  • Design, fabrication and characterization of optical fibers: including preform manufacturing and 3D-printing methods, micro-structured fibers, hollow-core fibers, anti-resonant fibers, fibers functionalized with fluids, solids, or gases, multi-core fibers, large-mode area fibers, plasmonic fibers, multimode fibers, few-mode fibers, topological fibers, highly nonlinear fibers, micro- and nano-fibers.
  • Novel fiber materials: including novel glass composition and dopants, soft glass and polymer fibers, crystalline fibers, semiconductor fibers and multi-component fibers. 
  • Nano-engineered fibers: including phase-separated fibers, nanoparticle doping and nano-structured fibers. 
  • Fibers and devices for harsh environments: including space, radiation and extreme temperatures. 
  • Fiber-based devices and components: including multi-mode / multi-core devices, multiplexers, gratings, couplers, beam-combiners.
  • Light propagation in fibers: including nonlinear effects, polarization and spatial-mode effects, acousto-optic, thermo-optic, and opto-mechanical effects.
  • Fiber lasers and amplifiers: including mode-locked lasers, (dual-) frequency comb sources, fiber-based gas lasers, visible fiber lasers, high-power laser systems and coherent combining, random lasers, vortex lasers, multi-core amplifiers, parametric amplifiers.
  • Applications of optical fibers, lasers and systems: including lidar systems, quantum-information and quantum communication systems, anti-Stokes fluorescent cooling, low-latency telecommunications, biomedical imaging, sensors, optoelectronics, spectroscopy, attosecond science, XUV and mid-IR generation and transmission.


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