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Applied Industrial Spectroscopy

Applied Industrial Spectroscopy

11 July 2022 – 15 July 2022 Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, British Columbia Canada

Developed spectroscopic technologies with applications across industries as well as new, cutting-edge technologies in transition from development to industrial settings are encouraged.

Specific areas of interest include quality control, incoming materials inspection, uses in food processing and agribusiness, and uses during product manufacture, to name a few. The conference has a focus on applications with broad reach in major markets, demonstrating the utility of a variety of spectroscopic techniques, from absorbance / reflectance / transmission, to established methods such as Raman, LIBS, FTIR, Terahertz spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy. Fusion of multiple methods (e.g. transflection, hyperspectral LIDAR, LIBS-Raman) and machine learning calibration methods are also of interest.  Examples and best practices for technology adoption are encouraged. 

Areas of interest include:

  • Food and Agriculture
  • Consumer goods manufacturing
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Biomedical
  • Mining
  • Chemicals and chemical processing
  • Petrochemicals
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Energy exploration


  • Food and Agriculture
  • Consumer goods manufacturing
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Biomedical
  • Mining
  • Chemicals and chemical processing
  • Petrochemicals
  • Electronics manufacturing
  • Energy exploration



  • Douglas Baer, Los Gatos Research IncUnited States
    Laser-Based Solutions for Detecting Gas Leaks within the Natural Gas Infrastructure
  • D. Bailey, National Inst of Standards & TechnologyUnited States
    Rapid Broadband Infrared Spectroscopy for Precise Measurement of Atmospheric Trace Gases
  • Aparajita Bandyopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology DelhiIndia
    Raman and THz Spectroscopic Techniques and Tools for Agriphotonics Applications
  • Shaun Barker, University of British ColumbiaCanada
    Optical Sensors, Data and The Minerals Industry: Present Challenges and Future Opportunities
  • Amy Bauer, Ocean Insight Inc.United States
    LIBS in Aluminum Recycling
  • Ashley Bradley, Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryUnited States
    Keeping Pace with Field Detection Challenges for Synthetic Opioids
  • Shin-Juh Chen, Physical Sciences Inc.United States
    Applications of Laser-Based Sensors for Gas Detection and Leak Rate Quantification
  • Derek Guenther , Ocean Insight Inc.United States
    Raman Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of COVID-19
  • Amina Hussein, University of AlbertaCanada
    Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for In-Situ Soil Analysis
  • David Jones, University of British ColumbiaCanada
    Real-Time Sensing in Mining Using Laser Ablation Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Brock Koren, Daylight Solutions IncUnited States
    High-Throughput Hyperspectral Imaging of Microplastics
  • Jaakko Lehtinen, Gasera Ltd.Finland
    Industrial and Environmental Gas Monitoring Applications Using Laser-Based Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
  • Aleksandar Rakic, University of QueenslandAustralia
    Terahertz Imaging for Agri-Photonics: Monitoring Hydration in Real Time
  • Seyed Ghasem Razavipour, National Research Council CanadaCanada
    A Portable Battery-Based Methane Detection System Using a Distributed Feedback Laser Near 3.27 um
  • Matthieu Roussey, Itä-Suomen YliopistoFinland
    Micro and Nanoplastic in Water: Detection, Recognition, Identification
  • Jayshri Sabarinathan, University of Western OntarioCanada
    Multispectral Imagers with Photosensor based Radiometric Correction techniques for Precision Agriculture
  • Cinzia Sada, Universita degli Studi di PadovaItaly
    From Spectroscopy to Modelling, a Case Study of Components Identification in Agriculture
  • Theophile Sebgo, Novartis AG Pharmaceuticals CorpSwitzerland
    Title to be Announced
  • Robert Sundberg, Spectral Sciences IncorporatedUnited States
    Use of Simulated Hyperspectral Imagery in the Development of Remote Sensing Algorithms
  • Giacomo Vacca, Kinetic River Corporation United States
    Time-Resolved Flow Cytometry: Adding Another Dimension to High-Throughput Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • Mark Zondlo, Princeton UniversityUnited States
    Atmospheric Ammonia from Field Studies to Better Understand Air Quality, Climate, and the Nitrogen Cycle



  • Tanya Myers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United StatesChair
  • Joachim Sacher, Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH, GermanyChair
  • Francis Vanier, National Research Council Canada, CanadaChair
  • Amy Bauer, Ocean Insight Inc., United States
  • Steve Buckley, Ocean Insight Inc., United States
  • Krishnan Parameswaran, Analog Devices Inc., United States
  • Mark Phillips, University of Arizona, United States
  • Dominik Rabus, RABUS.TECH, Germany
  • Joachim Sacher, Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH, Germany
  • Amartya Sengupta, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India


Plenary Session

Juliet Gopinath

University of Colorado Boulder

From water filtration to autonomous navigation: Using photonics to enable new sensing modalities

Light can be used for exquisite sensors that can measure rotation, materials, range, chemical composition, and even the workings of the brain.   Recent advances have enabled new modalities of ranging and detection of membrane fouling.

About the Speaker

Juliet Gopinath is the Alfred T. and Betty E. Look Professor of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering and Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. She received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at MIT. She was a member of the technical staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory from 2005 to 2009. Since then, she has led a research group at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her current research interests include ultrafast lasers, nonlinear optics, mid-infrared materials, spectroscopy, orbital angular momentum and adaptive optical devices. She has published 70 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 90 conference presentations. She is the recipient of an R&D 100 Award (2012) and is an Optica Fellow. She served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Photonics Society Journal (2011-2017), the Associate Director for Cubit (2019), and currently is an Associate Editor for Optica.

Joseph Shaw

Montana State University, USA

Optical Exploration of the Natural World

I will describe lidars and passive sensors I have developed to explore the natural world. Examples range from lidars for mapping insects in the air or fish in lakes to radiometric and polarimetric imaging for measuring atmospheric radiation.

About the Speaker

Joseph Shaw is the Director of the Optical Technology Center, Distinguished Professor of Optics and Photonics, and Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, USA. Dr. Shaw develops optical remote sensing instruments for applications ranging from laser detection of fish from airplanes to measuring clouds for climate science. He also is a passionate photographer and loves to use his pictures to teach about optics in nature. He is the author of the 2017 book, Optics in the Air, which shows and explains numerous photographs of beautiful optical phenomena that can be seen in nature. Recognition for Dr. Shaw's contributions to optics research and education include the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the Vaisala Award from the World Meteorological Organization, and the Award for Excellence in Talent Development from the University Economic Development Association. He received the 2019 G. G. Stokes Award from SPIE for outstanding contributions to optical polarization. Dr. Shaw is a Fellow of both the Optica (formerly OSA) and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE).


Special Events

Optical and Photonic Technologies Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic Needs (Joint AIS and Sensors)

Monday, 11 July 10:30 – 12:30

The photonics community has made a tremendous impact in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. These powerful optical and photonic technologies include everything from the development of rapid diagnostic tools to address the testing crisis to wide-spread population immunity screening sensors, from imaging and analytical tools used in fundamental virology research to vaccine and drug development, and from intensive-care patient monitoring sensors to decontamination and sterilization devices.  A joint session between Optical Biological and Chemical Sensors and Applied Industrial Spectroscopy will bring leading researchers from industry, government, and academia to highlight the most recent technological developments that not only address current challenges of COVID-19, but also better prepare our communities for the future healthcare crises.  This special session encourages abstracts that focus on current and evolving technologies that may result in sensitive, rapid, low-cost diagnostic tests, analytical platforms enabling new drug and vaccine discovery, sensors that monitor patients and guide therapies, and more. 

Derek Guenther, Ocean Insight, USA
Valerio Pruneri, ICFO, Spain
Small form factor flow virometer for SARS-CoV-2
Holger Schmidt, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Optofluidic sensors for single SARS-CoV-2 biomarker analysis

Agri-Photonics Panel Discussion

Monday, 11 July 16:30 – 18:30

Continuation of discussion from Agri-Photonics I and Agri-Photonics II sessions.

Aparajita Bandyopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology DelhiIndia
Alexsandar Rakic, University of QueenslandAustralia
Bassam Saadany, Si-Ware SystemsEgypt

Quantum Sensing Discussion

Tuesday, 12 July 11:00 – 12:30

This special session will provide an overview of the fundamentals of quantum sensors using atoms, ions, and solid-state defects and their state-of-the-art performances and applications. The overview will be followed by an audience Q&A and a panel discussion with quantum researchers on various topics, including optics-related challenges in quantum sensing and career paths in quantum.

Jennifer Choy, University of Wisconsin - MadisonUSA
Sara Mouradian, University of Washington, USA

From Student to Career: A Look Inside Different Career Paths

Tuesday, 12 July 14:00 – 16:00

Students can ask questions and hear from professionals in different fields about the steps they took in choosing their career paths, what it takes to be successful in their field, and what a typical work day is like and how it differs from graduate school.

Scott Davis, Vescent Photonics, USA
Mark Zondlo, Princeton University, USA
Jaakko Lehtinen, Gasera, Finland
Michelle Bailey, NIST, USA
Derek Guenther, Ocean Insight, USA

Recent Advances in Free-Space Optical Communications

Wednesday, 13 July 09:30 – 11:00

Join the Laser Systems Technical group for a special talk led by Szymon Gladysz followed by a networking reception. With several major companies like SpaceX, Facebook, Google, and hundreds of smaller companies pursuing several concepts involving laser communications technology, Gladysz will discuss the recent advances in free-space laser communications in atmospheric and underwater environments. Please use this link to RSVP:

Szymon Gladysz, Head of the Adaptive Optics Group, Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation, Germany


Image for keeping the session alive