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Optica Announces 2025 Fellows Class

30 January 2025

Optica Announces 2025 Fellows Class

WASHINGTON — The Board of Directors of Optica, Advancing Optics and Photonics Worldwide, recently elected 121 members from 27 countries to the Society’s 2025 Fellow Class. Optica Fellows are selected based on several factors, including outstanding contributions to research, business, education, engineering, and service to Optica and our community.

“Congratulations to the 2025 class of Optica Fellows,” said Jim Kafka, 2025 Optica President. “These members are making important contributions to our society and field. We thank them for their dedication and are incredibly proud to celebrate their accomplishments.”

Fellows are Optica members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. The Fellow Members Committee, led by Chair Alice White, Boston University, reviewed 217 nominations submitted by current Fellows. The Committee thanks all the nominators and references for supporting this important program. As Fellows can account for no more than 10 percent of the total membership, the election process is highly competitive. Candidates are recommended by the Fellow Members Committee and approved by the Awards Council and Board of Directors.

The new Fellows will be honored at Optica conferences and events throughout 2025.

2025 Optica Fellows:

Venu Gopal Achanta
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and National Physical Laboratory (India), India
For pioneering contributions in semiconductor spectroscopy, broadband plasmonics, metamaterial devices, and their advancement in India

Monica Allen
US Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
For outstanding contributions to the fundamental science and application of plasmonics and nanophotonics for detection, imaging, and sensing

Rodrigo Amezcua Correa
University of Central Florida, CREOL, USA
For contributions to the development of hollow core fibers, fibers for space division multiplexing, and high power amplifying fibers

Thomas Baehr-Jones
Tesselmax, USA
For seminal and groundbreaking academic and commercial contributions to silicon photonics

Harish Bhaskaran
University of Oxford, UK
For pioneering contributions to phase change optoelectronics and neuromorphic photonics

Kostadinka Bizheva
University of Waterloo, Canada
For exceptional contributions to optical imaging in ophthalmology

Adonis Bogris
University of West Attica, Greece
For contributions to the study of all-optical signal processing techniques and their applications in optical communications, sensing, security, and computing

Caroline Boudoux
Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
For pioneering contributions to the development of fiber optics assemblies for endoscopic applications and outstanding educational contributions

Philippe Bouyer
University of Amsterdam and Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
For pioneering work on ultra-cold atoms and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, leading to quantum sensors based on atom interferometry

Tun Cao
Dalian University of Technology, China
For outstanding achievements and excellent leadership in both basic research and technology development for active photonics, plasmonics, and metadevices

Fabrizio Carbone
École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Switzerland
For pioneering discoveries in the field of electron-light interactions and their application to condensed matter physics and nuclear physics

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
For outstanding achievements in the research and development of bioinspired in-sensor computing for artificial vision

Supriya Chakrabarti
University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
For pioneering developments of optical instrumentation for atmospheric, planetary, and exoplanetary sciences

Shean-Jen Chen
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
For advancements in wide-field multiphoton biological microscopy and microfabrication at fast frame rates via advanced temporal focusing techniques

Daping Chu
University of Cambridge, UK
For seminal contributions to display devices and broader impact on industrial applications

Diego A. R. Dalvit
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
For outstanding theoretical contributions in electromagnetic quantum fluctuations and quantum optics in metamaterials, plasmonic surfaces, and other nanostructured materials

Keshav Moreshwar Dani
Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology, Japan
For time-resolved imaging, in real- and momentum-space, of defects in perovskite photovoltaic materials and excitons in two-dimensional semiconductors

Simone De Liberato
University of Southampton, UK
For sustained contributions to our understanding of the extreme coupling regimes of light-matter interactions in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics

Franck Delmotte
Université Paris Saclay, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, France
For pioneering and sustained contributions in the field of extreme ultraviolet and X-ray optics

Tal Ellenbogen
Tel Aviv University, Israel
For significant contributions to the development of metasurfaces and nanoscale nonlinear optics

Aamir Farooq
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia
For outstanding contributions to research and development of mid-infrared laser-based sensors and their applications to chemistry and the environment

Mário F. S. Ferreira
University of Aveiro, Portugal
For outstanding contributions to elucidating soliton propagation in optical fibers, nonlinear fiber optics, and a deep commitment to education and mentorship

Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria
University College London, UK
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the theory of laser-matter interaction, and for extraordinary and innovative outreach efforts

Aleksandra Foltynowicz
Umeå University, Sweden
For outstanding and sustained contributions to research in precision molecular spectroscopy and frequency comb spectrometers

Lan Fu
Australian National University, Australia
For outstanding contributions to semiconductor materials, optoelectronic devices, and nanotechnology, and for broad leadership of the profession

Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Nokia Bell Labs, France
For theoretical and experimental contributions advancing the capacity of optical communications with coherent detection

Nirmalya Ghosh
IISER - Kolkata, India
For exceptional scientific contributions to optical polarization and related phenomena and development of novel experimental polarimetry systems for diverse applications

Niels Gregersen
DTU Electro, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
For significant contributions to the theory, physical understanding, and design of highly efficient sources of single indistinguishable photons

Philippe Grelu
Université Bourgogne Europe, France
For groundbreaking contributions in nonlinear photonics including extensive studies of dissipative soliton concepts and dynamical instabilities in ultrafast fiber lasers

L. Jay Guo
University of Michigan, USA
For pioneering work and achievements in structural colors and flexible transparent conductors, and for sustained contributions leading to their commercialization

Wolfgang Heidrich
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
For decades of fundamental contributions to the development and analysis of computational imaging and display systems

Chuanmin Hu
University of South Florida, USA
For significant contributions to ocean optics and remote sensing, particularly for innovative research in algorithms and applications on ocean algae

Song Hu
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
For pioneering contributions to the development of photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) for high-resolution functional and metabolic imaging in vivo

Weida Hu
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
For contributions to photodetectors for infrared sensing and intelligent recognition

Yong-Zhen Huang
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
For pioneering contributions to microcavity semiconductor lasers and their applications

Khan Iftekharuddin
Old Dominion University, USA
For research leadership and contributions to research and development of 3D medical imaging analysis, computational modeling, pattern recognition, and human-system interaction

Yi-Jun Jen
National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
For outstanding achievements in thin film optics and educational leadership and professional service to the field

Yali Jia
Oregon Health and Science University, USA
For outstanding contributions to technical development and clinical translation of OCT, OCT angiography, and artificial intelligence management of eye diseases

Jietai Jing
East China Normal University, China
For significant contributions to developing deterministic large-scale quantum light sources and implementing deterministic all-optical high-capacity quantum information protocols

Boubacar Kante
University of California, Berkeley, USA
For creating and demonstrating new concepts in modern electromagnetics, particularly a path toward very-high-power, broad-area single-mode semiconductor lasers

Mikhail Kats
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
For pioneering contributions to tunable photonics, thermal photonics, and optical metasurfaces

Brendan Kennedy
The University of Western Australia & Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Australia and Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
For pioneering and significant contributions to the fields of optical elastography and biophotonics in general

Daewook Kim
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
For the development of novel and creative means for the fabrication and testing of large astronomical mirrors

Ki-Yong Kim
University of Maryland at College Park, USA
For pioneering contributions to the generation and understanding of terahertz radiation from strong laser field interactions with matter

Seongsin Margaret Kim
The University of Alabama, USA
For exceptional dedication and pioneering advancements in the realms of photonics and terahertz science and technology for imaging and sensing

Werner Klaus
Photonic Network Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
For significant contributions to free-space, quantum, and space-division-multiplexed fiber-optic communications systems

Jennifer Kruschwitz
University of Rochester, USA
For significant and pioneering contributions in optics education, outreach, society service, and leadership

Julien Laurat
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, France
For outstanding achievement in quantum optics and quantum networks, pioneering advances to quantum memory technology, and applications to quantum technologies

Son Thai Le
Nubis Communications, USA
For exceptional contributions to optical communications systems research and product development

Chengkuo Lee
National University of Singapore, Singapore
For seminal contributions to optical MEMS/NEMS-enabled tunable metamaterials and mid-infrared nanophotonics

Howard (Ho Wai) Lee
University of California, Irvine, USA
For critical advances in the development of tunable optical metasurfaces/zero index photonics and advanced metasurface/plasmonic-optical fibers

Minjoo Larry Lee
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, The Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
For pioneering contributions to molecular beam epitaxy growth of III-V optoelectronic devices on silicon

Gordon E. Legge
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
For revolutionizing the field of low vision research and applying this knowledge to aid and improve reading and mobility in people with low vision

Marina Leite
University of California, Davis, USA
For contributions to transient photonics and optical properties of metal alloys, representing a significant advancement in engineering and science research

Yuxin Leng
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
For outstanding contributions to the development of ultra-intense femtosecond lasers and improvement of laser performance for high field laser physics

Han Li
China Mobile, China
For pioneering contributions to the research and development of optical transport networks and slicing packet networks

Jensen Li
University of Exeter, UK
For pioneering contributions to the science of invisibility and metamaterials

Wei Li
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
For outstanding contributions to thermal photonics and multi-dimensional light information detection

Xiangping Li
Jinan University, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of multi-dimensional light field manipulation and information multiplexing

Tsung-Hsien Lin
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
For groundbreaking innovations in liquid crystal photonics, bistable reflective displays, and entrepreneurial smart window technology leading to widespread applications

Huiyun Liu
University College London, UK
For pioneering work in the development of high-performance III-V quantum-dot lasers

Juan Liu
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
For seminal contributions to 3D holographic displays and diffractive optics

Yuerui (Larry) Lu
Australian National University, Australia
For remarkable contributions to the development of novel optoelectronic and quantum photonic devices based on two-dimensional quantum materials

Yuanqiu Luo
Futurewei Technologies Inc, USA
For significant contributions to the research and development of optical access networks, particularly the standardization of broadband optical access technologies

Xiongfeng Ma
Tsinghua University, China
For contributions to practical quantum cryptography and quantum communication, and for linking them to foundational quantum theory

Yufei Ma
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
For outstanding and innovative contributions to the research and development of laser spectroscopy and its gas sensing applications

Mehul Malik
Heriot-Watt University, UK
For pioneering work on high-dimensional quantum states of light and their application in noise-robust quantum technologies

Delphine Marris-Morini
Universite Paris-Saclay, France
For significant contributions in silicon photonics from near-infrared to mid-infrared

Claudio Masciovecchio
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
For seminal contributions to the instrumentation for ultraviolet to x-ray scattering and non-linear spectroscopy that solved fundamental questions in materials science

Riccardo Meucci
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica-CNR, Florence, Italy
For pioneering contributions to chaos in lasers, infrared holography, and its applications

Vitaly Mikhailov
OFS Laboratories, USA
For technical expertise in development and commercial application of emerging technologies, including hollow core optical fiber and bismuth-doped O-band amplification

Maiken Høgh Mikkelsen
Duke University, USA
For contributions to the understanding of light-matter interactions and ultrafast emission dynamics in plasmonic systems

Jessica I. W. Morgan
University of Pennsylvania, USA
For advancing retinal imaging at the cellular scale to characterize changes in structure and function in retinal disease

Hossein Mosallaei
Northeastern University, USA
For outstanding contributions in active and time-modulated optical nanoantennas and metasurfaces

Willie W. Ng
The Aerospace Corporation, USA
For pioneering contributions and leadership in microwave photonics including true time delay, photonic analog-to-digital converters, and radio frequency signal processing

Marek R. Ogiela
AGH University of Krakow, Poland
For pioneering contributions in the creation of AI cognitive vision systems for visual pattern understanding and visual cryptography

Raymond Ooi
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
For the development of a quantum (Heisenberg-Langevin) theoretical framework for the study of nonclassical photon correlations in Raman and quantum plasmonic systems

Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez
Institute of Material Research and Engineering (A*STAR), Singapore
For outstanding contributions to optical metasurfaces and flat optics, particularly to realizing tunable devices for dynamic light control

Yannis Paulus
Johns Hopkins University, USA
For pioneering contributions to the development of multimodal photoacoustic, optical molecular, and cellular retinal imaging and retinal laser therapies

David Peckham
OFS (retired), USA
For pioneering and sustained contributions to the development and commercialization of optical fibers for optical fiber communications

Laeticia Petit
Tampere University, Finland
For achievements in optical material science and education, and leading optical fiber development in academia and industry for biophotonic applications

Christopher Phillips
Stanford University, USA
For outstanding contributions to high-power optical frequency comb technologies, ultrafast nonlinear optics, and quasi-phase-matching devices

Pascal Picart
Le Mans Université, France
For contributions in the field of transient and non-linear acoustic phenomena studied by coherent imaging

David F Plusquellic
For pioneering advances in electro-optic frequency comb technology from ultraviolet to terahertz frequencies for spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and remote sensing applications

Marcel Poulain
Le Verre Fluore and Rennes University, France
For the discovery of heavy-metal-fluoride glass and fibre engineering for IR optical devices and systems applications in astronomy and sensing

Gunther Roelkens
Ghent University - imec, Belgium
For pioneering contributions to the development of heterogeneous III-V/Si photonic integrated circuit technology

John R. Rogers
Synopsys, Inc, USA
For leadership and excellence in optical design and engineering, including pioneering work in nodal aberration theory

Sukhdev Roy
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India
For significant research contributions in optical switching and computing with proteins, organic molecules, silicon microring resonators, and optogenetic neurons

Caesar Saloma
University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
For pioneering research and development efforts in optics and photonics in the Philippines, including the training of young Filipino scientists

Michelle Y. Sander
Boston University, USA
For seminal contributions to ultrafast fiber lasers and their applications in imaging, material characterization, and modulation

Wei Shi
Université Laval, Canada
For outstanding contributions to silicon photonic integrated circuits for high-capacity optical communications

Venugopal Rao Soma
University of Hyderabad, India
For outstanding contributions to ultrafast spectroscopy and NLO studies, femtosecond ablation, and explosives detection techniques

Qinghai Song
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
For significant contributions to nanophotonics and nanolasers, and outstanding leadership in the photonics community

Christopher Stolz
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
For outstanding achievements and leadership in the advancement and understanding of laser damage and optical interference coatings

Xiankai Sun
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For outstanding contributions to integrated photonics, optoelectronics, and optomechanics

S.K. Sundaram
Alfred University, USA
For contributions to the development of the structure-terahertz properties relationship and ultrafast laser modification of glasses and ceramics and optical materials education

Takasumi Tanabe
Keio University, Japan
For groundbreaking contributions to nanophononics and nonlinear optics in high-Q microresonators, and for actively serving the optics community

Mitsuhiro Terakawa
Keio University, Japan
For achievements in laser processing and functionalization of soft materials for electrical and optical applications

Joseph H. Thywissen
University of Toronto, Canada
For pioneering experimental work on dynamical phenomena in interacting ultra cold atoms, from orbital interactions to transport measurements

Lei Tian
Boston University, USA
For contributions to computational microscopy, including differential phase contrast microscopy, Fourier ptychography, optical diffraction tomography, and imaging in scattering

James Tunnell
University of Texas at Austin, USA
For contributions to tissue optical spectroscopy and clinical translation of optical methods for tissue diagnosis

Dmitry Turchinovich
Universität Bielefeld, Germany
For fundamental contributions to the physics of graphene and magnetic materials, particularly for the demonstration of the thermodynamic model of graphene conduction and the development of terahertz magnetometry

Dora van Veen
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
For outstanding and sustained research into the feasibility and commercialization of ultra-broadband technologies for low-cost passive optical networks

Frederique Vanholsbeeck
The University of Auckland and The Dodd Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, New Zealand
For leadership in optics and biophotonics research, education, and diversity in New Zealand and Australia

Andreas Velten
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
For contributions to computational photography and bioimaging, including non-line-of-sight and clinical imaging

Lieven Verslegers
Google LLC, USA
For seminal achievements and leadership in the research, development, and commercialization of nanophotonics and silicon photonics technologies

Alan Wang
Baylor University, USA
For significant contributions in integrated nanophotonics, especially in transparent conductive oxide (TCO) modulators and diatom surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensing

Da-Wei Wang
Zhejiang University, China
For outstanding contributions in quantum control of atom-photon interactions, particularly for quantum simulations in superradiance lattices and topological quantum photonics

Xinwei Wang
Iowa State University, USA
For contributions to novel time- and frequency-domain Raman techniques that provide pioneering and advanced thermal probing and energy transport characterization

Zinan Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
For outstanding contributions in the principles and techniques of sensing and lasers based on fiber Rayleigh scattering

Lei Wei
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For distinguished contributions to the fabrication and demonstration of multimaterial optical fibers and devices, most notably the development of optoelectronic fibers

Jerome Wenger
CNRS Institut Fresnel, France
For pioneering contributions to nanophotonics and optical nanoantennas to enhance single molecule fluorescence

Rengmao Wu
Zhejiang University, China
For outstanding contributions to the theory, computational methods, and applications for freeform beam shaping optics

Ting Xu
Nanjing University, China
For outstanding contributions to optical metamaterials and metasurfaces and their applications to advanced display and imaging technologies

Yang Xu
Zhejiang University, China
For contributions to the integration of emerging low-dimensional materials with silicon optoelectronics

Haohai Yu
Shandong University, China
For outstanding theoretical and experimental contributions in the fields of laser and nonlinear optical functional crystals, including crystal growth and optics

Xin Yuan
Westlake University, China
For seminal contributions to snapshot compressive computational imaging, including theoretical analysis, system design, reconstruction algorithms, and applications

Robert J. Zawadzki
University of California, Davis, USA
For introducing and developing the technique of adaptive optics with OCT (AO-OCT) for structural and functional eye imaging

Fan Zhang
Peking University, China
For outstanding contributions to fiber nonlinearities and high-speed fiber-optic communications

Xuejun Zhang
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), China
For exceptional contributions to manufacturing the world's largest SiC mirrors for telescopes, and outstanding graduate student mentorship

Xiushan Zhu
Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of novel fiber lasers, particularly mid-infrared and single-frequency lasers

About Optica

Optica, Advancing Optics and Photonics Worldwide, is the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in the field. Founded in 1916, it is the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, students and others interested in the science of light. Optica's renowned publications, meetings, online resources and in-person activities fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate scientific, technical and educational achievement. Discover more at:

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